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Descarcă BT Pay

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă BT Pay

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă BT Pay

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă NeoBT

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă NeoBT

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă NeoBT

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă BT24

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

Descarcă BT24

Scanează codul cu telefonul mobil, în funcție de sistemul telefonului tău.

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    This report is published in English by Banca Transilvania, a financial banking institution whose activities are regulated and supervised on a consolidated basis by the National Bank of Romania (NBR) and the Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA). The research reports issued by Banca Transilvania are for information purposes only and are not intended to be used in the investment decision-making process or at any stage of the provision of investment services or activities. Any person who intends to use these research reports in the investment decision-making process, expressly assumes all related risks, and Banca Transilvania shall have no legal or other obligation towards the person in question arising from the publication of these research reports. The research published by Banca Transilvania shall not be construed as: an offer to sell/underwrite or any other investment service or activity with respect to the financial instruments mentioned in the reports, an advertising element for the financial instruments mentioned in the reports. To avoid any confusion, persons who subscribe to BT Research by entering their e-mail address are not considered as clients of Banca Transilvania and the subscription does not constitute a contract of any kind. We would like to mention that Banca Transilvania does not request any personal data from the above-mentioned persons, other than the e-mail address used to distribute these reports.

    The information on which these reports is based has been obtained from public sources and is considered relevant and reliable within the limits of publicly available data. Banca Transilvania has the right to change the public sources used at any time and without prior notice. However, the accuracy of the used information from public sources cannot be certified and/or contested by our institution. Analytical opinions reflect the analysts' views at the time of publication, based on independent consideration, using specific analytical methodologies.

    These research reports do not constitute investment services or activities within the meaning of the MiFID II/MiFIR European legislative package, and we emphasize that persons using the information contained in these reports do not benefit from the protection afforded by the above regulatory framework and are solely responsible for any loss arising from the use of this information.

    These reports have not been issued at the request of a third party and/or in connection with the execution of one or more transactions in financial instruments. The value of the financial instruments referred to in the analyses may fluctuate over time and past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. The investments are subject to risk factors that are not fully disclosed in the reports. Banca Transilvania is not responsible for any direct and/or potential loss resulting from using the elements published in the reports.

    The published research reports may be modified at any time without prior notice and Banca Transilvania reserves the right to discontinue publication without prior notice. This report may not be reproduced in whole or in part unless the source is acknowledged.